In the far corners of my mind I've often thought of this once-great hub of activity; now relegated to naught but a memory of a time when I had more time on my hands. I'd love for this to change and to get a moment to be able to drum up some new content, but for now I figured it wise to update here with where I am...
There is one new project I'm currently working on that is progressing nicely. It's called "Ushers" and is a TV pilot for a new series. Episode 1 should be live in a few weeks, and I produced, wrote and have a supporting role in it.
We entered a short version of the pilot into the Raindance Film Festival's Web Series competition, where we came in the top ten! You can see the short here... (I'm sadly not in the short, my first appearance is saved for the pilot!)
Ushers | Dailymotion Web Series Pilot... by RaindanceWebFest
I'll be back soon with more Ushers news!
Don't forget you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook.
Twitter: @AdDHarris
Facebook: Adam D.Harris
Adam D. Harris - Writer, Reviewer, Spoiler TV Community Manager & STV Podcast Host
About Time - Film Review

Richard Curtis and romance is about as synonymous as KFC is with chicken; it's likely both a blessing and a curse for him as there's quite often a lot more to his writing than boy meets girl. His films have always been viewed as on the surface, black and white romances. This is likely not helped by titles that are incredibly direct. Four Weddings and a Funeral has the plot in five words, Love Actually is everywhere, and here, About Time, we have a film that is about time. Yet, never has there been a Richard Curtis film where people should stop and think more than this, a film which is potentially his final foray into directing on the big screen. Should About Time be the end, then it delivers his most important message yet...
Iron Man Three - Film Review
Christmas has come early.
Given the time of year it's perhaps a more fitting statement to say that Christmas has arrived extremely late, but nevertheless, the yuletide spirit that makes up the third instalment of Robert Downey Jnr's metallic hero will certainly put you in the mood for whipping out a mince pie when you get home and sit down to think about the rip-roaring yarn that the Marvel/Disney team have once again produced.
Set post-Avengers as the American people try to move on from the alien invasion in New York, Iron Man Three begins a few days before December 25th with a sleep deprived and troubled Tony Stark finding ways to distract his tired and constantly active mind. He's working hour after hour, pushing his Iron Man suit all the way to a revolutionary 42nd design, a suit which forms in place around him with a wave of his arms. It's impacting his relationship with girlfriend Pepper Potts, and also putting his body through serious amounts of strain.
James Bond - The Connery/Lazenby Years - Film Review

Back in October I re-watched all 22 James Bond's in time for the now Billion Dollar Skyfall. Here are my thoughts on the Connery films. Tune in tomorrow for Moore's mission debriefings.
Dr. No
Dr. No is undeniably entertaining but it did not find the ideal rhythm that makes the series truly work. Mix in some suspect acting, an action-lite and simple plot and it fails to stand out amongst those which come later. Despite these flaws Connery slipped into the role perfectly, finding a blend of class, intelligence and wit that has rarely been matched by his predecessor's first outings. It stands as the perfect platform from which the James Bond legacy built up from.
The Watch - Film Review

Not as funny as it should be, yet The Watch just about manages to hold your attention for it's lean running time. Go to see it for Hill and Ayoade rather than for Stiller or Vaughn; the former find the only laughs whilst the latter fall flat on their face. The script tries to inject Stiller's customary heart into the films alien center, yet it lands way off the mark and comes off as a miss-fire and a severe black spot on all four of the leads careers. The twists also aren't clever, making you question the logic of what has gone before.
There are much worse comedies to spend your time watching, but I would recommend buying a map to 21 Jump Street long before you ever think about joining The Watch.
Tweet Don't forget you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook. Twitter: @AdDHarris Facebook: Adam D.Harris Find all my Film Reviews HERE
New Year Resolution: The Blog Shall Be Re-Kindled!
Hey folks,
It's been a while, but I fully intend to rekindle over the next month, getting it caught up to speed with the film I've not posted about as well as getting ready for the Oscar season. Be ready, with the first new review coming tonight, once I have watched the film in question.
It is likely to be my first Oscar Contender review, Ang Lee's "Life of Pi.
Don't forget you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook.
Twitter: @AdDHarris
Facebook: Adam D.Harris
Find all my Film Reviews HERE
It's been a while, but I fully intend to rekindle over the next month, getting it caught up to speed with the film I've not posted about as well as getting ready for the Oscar season. Be ready, with the first new review coming tonight, once I have watched the film in question.
It is likely to be my first Oscar Contender review, Ang Lee's "Life of Pi.
Don't forget you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook.
Twitter: @AdDHarris
Facebook: Adam D.Harris
Find all my Film Reviews HERE
Rock of Ages - Film Review
Tom Cruise; Rock God. Comparing Cruise to Bon Jovi or Jagger was never a position you would intend on finding yourself, but there is no denying his bold and daring take at breaking the "Tom Cruise Mould" is one that works on virtually every level. Stacee Jaxx may not look as rugged and washed up as the typical leading man of a rock and roll band, but he sure makes up for it in other ways. He sleeps, drinks and murmurs nonsense, and thing is for damned certain; he knows how to belt out a tune. Cruise, as it turns out, has a voice worthy of the role, and is undeniably the stand out performer of this adaptation of the Broadway musical of the same name.
Rock of Ages was always going to encounter several issues. It's eighties soundtrack undeniably has some belting tunes within it, but it doesn't have the connection with the audience that a collection of hits from one artist has. When Mamma Mia came out it drew huge attention to its Abba roots, as We Will Rock You does with Queen. There is no way a casual film-goer will know exactly what they're getting themselves in for in this case; there's no "name" to state exactly what sort of film this is. To call Rock of Ages a musical also doesn't connect the people with a passion for rock music with the people who typically like musicals. A broadway musical number doesn't often get mistaken for a Def Leppard track for example.
Prometheus - Film Review
Prometheus is undeniably the coolest title for a film yet this year, yet whilst it struggles to break barriers in the genres that both big sisters "Alien" and "Aliens" managed to do, it stands proudly above the lesser splatterings of the the current blockbuster season.
It isn't as clever as it thinks it is, but in many ways that isn't relevant. When you step back and view Prometheus for its own successes and failures and avoid the prejudices that Alien fanatics take in with them it has to be looked at in a positive light.
Snow White and the Huntsmen - Film Review
There is much of this darker telling of the classic Snow White story to like. Chris Hemsworth's accent isn't one of them. The slow and forgettable first half an hour isn't one of them either. What there is to like is that Kristen Stewart proves she has some gravitas in her arsenal and Charlize Theron proves that Summer 2012 belongs to her. More importantly, Snow White and the Huntsmen proves to be an imaginative, risk taking, epic and brave piece of film making which for the most part, works.
To begin it is worth noting that this is no ordinary fairy tale. Dark, brutal, wicked and full of muscle, Snow White and the Huntsmen is as dark as a child's tale can be taken without it becoming one for the grown ups. It takes parts of the tale and twists them on its head, adding in new characters, locations and plot points to make it feel more placed in a reality closer to our own past. It doesn't all work. It's need to differentiate its story from the Disney classic leads to a much too long prologue which fails to illuminate when Theron isn't on screen.
Men in Black 3 - Film Review
Whilst not as witty as both predecessors, Men in Black 3 still manages to find much more weight to its storyline than the second came close to finding and the first even attempted to find. It's a much more clever storyline, one which sees Will Smith's J having to go back to 1969 to stop the villainous Boris the Animal from eliminating Tommy Lee Jones' K.
Taking a leaf from Back to the Future, director Barry Sonnenfeld finds plenty of entertainment in this concept, putting J in a new partnership with a younger K played expertly and pitch perfect by Josh Brolin. Adapting Tommy Lee Jones' mannerisms to a tee, and mixing in some of his own charisma and youth, Brolin makes you forget that the original K isn't in much of the films running time so perfect is his performance.
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