The episode revolved around a mysterious box, which when we first are introduced to it, it is being dug up from the basement of a house, the owners tied and being held by an unusual man who is watching 'Road Runner & Wild E.Coyote' on television. The two robbers downstairs in the basement open the box, and all hell breaks loose. That is hell in the sense of... nothing. Nothing that is, except everyone dies foaming at the mouth, eyes white as ice. It was chilling, and one of the coolest of Fringe's openings, however I had guessed the reason why the unusual man wasn't susceptible from the off, the fact he was deaf perhaps too obvious due to the fact that the noise the Box emitted didn't affect him.

A funny scene was between Bolivia and Newton, discussing U2 as if they never existed. Funny how when we are 'Over There' we chuckle at the differences, so was a nice touch to see them doing the same on our side. It was nice work from the writers.
Whilst all this was going on we were given the storyline in which Walter is handed over the reins of 'Massive Dynamic', due to the demise of William Bell in last years season finale. It was a cool touch, and it opens up all sorts of possibilities for Walter, now he has the money of the biggest organisation in his hands. I do hope we don't leave the lab in Harvard though, as that location is one of the places where I know I'm watching Fringe. Fingers crosses there then.
All in all however, the episode didn't really move the plot of the overall storyline along, at all really, we learn that 'The Box' is part of the 'Doomsday Machine' that Peter is somehow connected too, Bolivia reporting through the between-worlds-typewriter that:

I still have no idea what this machine does, it appears that perhaps Peter has spent so long in 'Our World' that he possesses something within him that will be able to destroy our world. It is very exciting to see what can possibly happen when the machine is working, what will we visually see as 'Our World' begins to crumble. Who excited? I am!
The coolest scenes of the episode took place in the subway station as Eric the Midget got a small part receiving the Box from Newton, who clearly knew that the homeless Eric would open the Box and test out it's powers, as Newton leaves...

the box very nonchalantly, and it was clear that he;s either an idiot, or it's all 'part of the plan'. That led to the awesome scene where Peter has his hearing 'shot' out of him, and we listen to nothing for a good two minutes, such a well edited scene as Peter rushes down the subway tunnel. It was tense, gripping and for this scene only, it made the episode stand out as something original from anything I've seen tackled by TV before. So kudos! Joshua Jackson may not have had a lot to do yet this year, but he owned that scene.
The other scene worthy of a tick was the scene where Bolivia seduced Peter as the deaf man's blood seeped under the bathroom door. It is so creepy that Peter is kissing someone he doesn't realise isn't who he thinks she is. Yeah, only Fringe could have a Love Triangle with the same actress playing the same character but as two different people. So awesome.
So we are given a quality episode that felt very much like a 'Mystery of the Week' episode. And if this is the quality we're gonna get from the Fringe Writers on a 'smaller' episode in the grand scheme of things, we're in for one hell of a great season.
Buckle up guys, because Fringe is two weeks in, and it's two weeks awesome! And I feel that as the season goes on, that dark tunnel of mystery that Fringe has spent 2 years setting is gonna open up, and things are gonna be enlightened. And I'd wager a bet Peter is gonna be at the center of it...

...if that Box is involved :)
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