

Adam D. Harris - Writer, Reviewer, Spoiler TV Community Manager & STV Podcast Host


Fringe - 3.04 - Do Shapeshifters Dream of Electric Sheep Review

Fringe's third season is starting to pick up the pace now, as we have had a helping of two episodes on either side, and we are getting to grips with exactly where both sides may be headed. This week was the turn of 'Our World', focusing very much on the 'Over There' infiltration of 'Our World' as it is, and the characters of Bolivia, who is posing as our Olivia, and Thomas Jerome Newton, the Season Two baddie played deliciously by Sebastian Roche.


Fringe - 3.03 - The Plateau Review

And so, after one week dwelling in our 'Our World', we once again return to 'our Olivia', now thinking she is 'Bolivia' 'Over There.' The funny thing is, it never gets old, all this 'Our World', 'Over There' stuff. It's what makes Fringe so unique, even LOST with all it's flash-everywhere's never got so confusingly cool.
This week we were dealing with a man who has the power to see how things will be, sort've pushing the future he desires into place. But this is no fortune teller, he does not see the future. He works out the future mathematically. I loved Milo, I thought he was a great 'Villain of the Week' character, who moved along the Olivia storyline very well, yet feeling very separate from the overall mythology. That being said, I am not so convinced that our Milo is that different from something we see in the show every week. That man with the black hat.


Fringe - 3.02 - The Box Review

So after two weeks, and we have seen one episode from 'Over There', and now one from 'Over Here.' It's probably because I feel I know more of the characters better from 'Over Here', despite the fact I'm technically seeing the 'same' characters, but I preferred this episode to the season premiere. I feel there's too many quotes in this first paragraph, so I will do away with them from this point onwards. :P