(Taken from SpoilerTV)
Hey Guys,
Just a few minutes ago I finished up a conference call with John Noble and a few of our Fringe friends from across the web, and I'm delighted to say that I managed to get some air-time with John and ask him a couple of questions.
I'll do a quick summary of the details he revealed from across the entire conference call, some of the stuff is quite good info!
John Noble Interview
*He began by thanking everyone on the call, not just for being there but for being part of the fan-base which he believes helped get the show a season four.
*He described the final three episodes as an epic trilogy, with one storyline throughout leading up to the conflict and inevitable collision of the two universes.
*The story all begins with he earth beginning to deteriorate on our side, as Walternate has found alternate means to use his own machine.
*He was asked about the fact that it is definitely the machine which is the weapon he uses to destroy our world, despite not having Peter. He stated that both Walter's have the same tool, and it is Walternate's machine that prompts panic on our side.
He states that Walter has to get himself together, as well as allowing Peter the freedom to be the hero he needs to be.
*He states that the season finishes in a very dramatic place, and described the finale as 'powerful.'
*An interesting tidbit was that he said that 6:02AM is the time when something happens rather than a deadline to something which will happen. But we will see something coincide with that time throughout the three episodes and he said to pay particular attention to it in the finale.
*He confirmed (which I think we already knew) that both Walter & Walternate are in the next episode.
*He told us that sometimes he has to play both Walter and Walternate on the same day, and that it doesn't affect his mood or how he acts throughout the day. He feels the same playing both characters. However he also stated there is a 'variation' in the finale which affected his mood in a certain way. He wouldn't tell us anymore, described it as something for a future conversation.
*He has always seen Walter's great series arc as one of redemption. Also in the same question he talked about Peter & Walters relationship not being the same as it once was but that it is developing into a relationship of trust and being grown up.
*He said he sees there being the potential for thousands of universes should the writers decide to go there.
*To him, the last episode felt like the end of William Bell, but he wouldn't rule anything out.
*He was asked about Fate vs. Destiny, and he said the finale and the future of the series is about the precarious events that attempt to find the balance between fate and destiny.
*He sometimes hopes there can be reconciliation between the two Walters he plays on the show.
*Described Walter as a man of deep love, and he played close attention to the example of Olivia who he feels he has a deep connection with.
*The first question I asked him was about William Bell and what he was trying to achieve with the Soul Magnet. Was he trying to help Olivia push past the fear she had. He liked the idea and the metaphysics behind it and spoke of Bell as a Guardian Angel. He also queried the Observers asking are they in some way a Guardian Angel.
*I also asked about why Peter was the episode he is most proud of. He said because it was risky, and so important to both the characters of Peter and Walter. He also loved Subject 13 but called it more complex but also incredibly important; especially in regards to the Walter and Olivia relationship.
Other episodes he loved were The Firefly, White Tulip and he also mentioned he loved filming in China Town with Jasika Nicole for the episode Snakehead.
*He described the few days after he finished filming as unusual, and he said to "...imagine there was to be no more. It left me with a strange, empty feeling."
He also said that the crew had every reason to be optimistic about a renewal as they heard lots of positive feedback from FOX.
*He works between 14-18 hours a day, and when not working he does Yoga, plays music, paints and other activities to keep himself fit. He also spoke of a conversation with Anna Torv about how they haven't had a day off in three years but are still so healthy.
He described Walter as a gift and for the opportunity to play the character at this time of his career is incredible.
*He was asked whether there was always a story to tell with Walter, and he said that he felt like there could be a movie in the future, but that once the story and the momentum of the series was done he wouldn't like to return. He use the example of Denethor from LOTR and how he was very proud to be apart of it but he wouldn't want to play him again.
*The funniest question of the call was when one interviewer said his girlfriend thought of him as a sex symbol, and he laughed so hard for a good thirty seconds, saying "Oh Lord, I don't know. What makes a sex symbol?"
*The interviewer said do people ask you to sign areas of themselves, and he said that he had been asked to sign people's stomachs before. He never thought of himself as a sex symbol though. It was very funny.
*Finally the last interviewer quizzed him on the fact he never finished at Law School. He said he did three years but decided he didn't want to be a lawyer and that when the acting opportunity came about he took it with open arms. He described his ascent into professional acting as "very fast." He said after he was in, he then took lessons and got a voice coach to help hone his craft. He likes to repay that by teaching the subject when he can.
And with that the conference ended. It was great fun, he clearly loves the fans and the support he gets from people who love Walter and Fringe.
Don't forget to watch the episode tomorrow night!
Don't forget you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook.Twitter: @AdDHarris Facebook: Adam D.Harris
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