When the first episode of the third season of Fringe finished last night, there was one thing running through my mind. "Well, I didn't see any of that coming." As much as I theorized, read the small synopsis' and occasional smaller spoilers, I had not in my wildest dreams thought that Olivia would be convinced she was the "alt" Olivia.
My best guesses were:
1. She will convince Charlie to help her get back.
2. She will find Nina and use her to get back.
3. She will have to wait for Peter & Walter to realise.
At certain points over the hour I was convinced that was what was going to happen. Charlie was featuring lots, and it just felt like he may be convinced. The moment in last year's finale when he said,
"Livvy, this job isn't what it was ten years ago. You’ve got alternate universes. I mean, it just -- just wasn't part of my training, you know? I mean, how are we supposed to fight these people? Truth is, Livvy, this makes me feel obsolete, you know?"
bore a real strong resemblance to
"I knew him just as long as you did. I'm sorry. Job isn't what it was ten years ago. We're supposed to protect the world, where one breath of the wrong air can incinerate you from the inside out. I mean, how do we protect people, when corporations have higher security clearances than we do? When we're not fully briefed on half the things that we're investigating."
That line was perfect setting up for Scarlie to understand Olivia's situation and perhaps join our team on our side. But it didn't happen. However watch this space, I'm sure there's a reason, and I'm still thinking something along these lines will happen.
Also, when Olivia asked Henry to take her to massive dynamic, I was expecting the corporation to not exist, but I kind of thought it would be cool to have Nina in a small house, just an ordinary woman in this world. This also didn't happen and....

....was another chance for the writers to show the differences in that world to ours. Loved the Penny Farthing bicycle, although surely they don't all use them. Right? :P
The episode had some really strong talking points, the medical experiments they did to her on Liberty Island was a nice touch, giving us all a sense that the base isn't just a standard government building, it felt very James Bond. We discover that Lincoln is on the road to recovery and hats off to the make-up team, that was some impressive work. Also, I'm sure that Frank Stanton, Olivia's lover was a different actor, or he at least had different hair. Can anyone confirm this, or have I lost it?
The biggest talking point of course was the ending, Olivia slowly slipping into Walternate and Alt-Brandon's (does he have a name? Braltdon or something) plan, and our Olivia became their Olivia. At leas that's how it appeared. Some fans have commented she may be playing a long con that Sawyer would be proud of, and that she's going along with it as it's her best chance of escape. That is possible, but the story feels much more stronger to me, with her actually one of them. How cool will it be to see standard Fringe 'monster of the week' episodes, but from a 'Alt' perspective. What a way to get us into their world. I really, really hope this is the angle the writers are going for. So for now at least, it seems we have two Altlivia's, and our heroine is out of the picture for the time being. Should our Olivia, thinking she is Altlivia have a name too? Ouraltivia or something. (That may be getting ridiculous)
And what about the slickness of how they jump universes? One minute there is a blimp overhead, the next after a quick flash, we see the birds fluttering away. It was cool, and I hope we see this technique used more often as the storylines reach an inevitable collision. Altlivia appears to be quite happy settling into our world, a quick kiss from a very lovey-dovey Peter probably had all Fringe fans screaming "Wrong one" at the screen, and Walter in his brief scene seemed to be very chirpy, which was good to see. Hopefully the Walter, Peter relationship can start to repair itself. :)
One character I haven't mentioned who was brilliant was Henry the cab, who I was certain was a one off character until we see him surveying at the end, watching our Olivia driving away with Charlie. Hopefully he will be back, Andre Royo made a very simple part a real driving force (no pun intended) of the episode, hi relationship with Olivia was sincere and real.
So it set up the season, the pieces falling into place with a smirk from Walternate.

He's loving it, I'm loving it and why wouldn't we :) The story is reaching huge heights, twisting and weaving together to form a great mosaic of two worlds heading towards each other. It's genius television, and Fringe is really going from a great show to a brilliant show. Make sure you get people in front of the TV next week.
Because I, for one, think it would be foolish not too.
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