Adam D. Harris - Writer, Reviewer, Spoiler TV Community Manager & STV Podcast Host
The Green Lantern - Movie Review
The ring of power is on planet earth ... this ring possesses the power of the will, the only means to stop fear from spreading throughout the entirety of space and time. However this is not 'Lord of the Rings' and there is a lot more rings of power than the solitary 'one ring' that Middle Earth fought over. A lot more... 3599 to be exact. Between them their owners are guardians over the entire universe, each monitoring a sector of space and guarding it from many foes; chief of them being the power of fear. You may have already guessed that 'The Green Lantern' is not a standard piece of superhero fare, stretching itself in terms of scope and size well beyond our own world and creating a universe of potential storylines. Consider this the 'DC Comics' version of Thor in terms of its scale and you should have a rough idea of what 'The Green Lantern' should be aiming to achieve. Sadly though, what it aims to achieve it falls way short of, the vast array of problems that face 'The Green Lantern' totally overpowering the highlights that flicker beneath the surface.
Things Coming Soon...
Hey folks,
Got a very busy few days so the reviews will slow down a little bit but some highlights of things I have coming up:
The Green Lantern - Movie Review
Game of Thrones - Complete Series One Review
Supernatural - Complete Series Two Review
Fringe - Final Two Episodes Review
Plus much more...
Don't forget you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook.
Twitter: @AdDHarris
Facebook: Adam D.Harris
Got a very busy few days so the reviews will slow down a little bit but some highlights of things I have coming up:
The Green Lantern - Movie Review
Game of Thrones - Complete Series One Review
Supernatural - Complete Series Two Review
Fringe - Final Two Episodes Review
Plus much more...
Don't forget you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook.
Twitter: @AdDHarris
Facebook: Adam D.Harris
X-Men: First Class - Movie Review
If there's one thing that 'The Last Stand' taught us about X-Men movies it's that they can be poor. On a similar note, if there's one thing that 'Origins: Wolverine' taught us then it would be that X-Men movies can be really, really poor. There were too many under developed characters struggling to mesh together into a cohesive plot-line with far too little care and appreciation for the mutants who we had grown to love during the earlier sequels. In other words they were a failure on many levels, disrespecting their audience and leaving a bitter taste in the mouth...
Unknown - Movie Review
'Unknown' came around largely because of the huge success of 2009 thriller 'Taken;' here Liam Neeson's latest trip to Europe follows a very similar framework to it's older brother. Directed by a different European director in a slightly different European city (Berlin, not Paris) both movies feature a gritty character played by Neeson on the hunt for something of great value to him on a personal level. Whilst 'Taken' was the hunt for his daughter, here Neeson has to find 'himself' as his identity appears to have been taken from him following a suspicious crash inside a taxi.
Thor - Movie Review
You know how it is. You wait a hundred realms to get the superhero movie you always dreamed of, and then it finally arrives when you least expect it. That movie brings out a superhero that you love, the hero you will rout with for the rest of your days. Through the spiders, bats and iron, all undeniably great characters with great films already behind them (when the creative team gets there heads together), I still never really felt that I was a converted fan of the hero himself. For every Spiderman there was a Doc. Oc... For every Batman there was a Joker... For every Iron Man there was a Obadiah Stane... okay, so the last one isn't true but still I'm completely sold on Tony Stark.
The Lincoln Lawyer - Movie Review
Don't be fooled. 'The Lincoln Lawyer' is a deceptive movie from it's title all the way though to it's cast and plot-line. Matthew McConaughey is not someone you would usually associate with a movie such as this; a more typical placing would be alongside Kate Hudson in some average romantic comedy. Also the title 'The Lincoln Lawyer' evokes about as much excitement as a gone-off shard of cheese under your bed; it hardly appears to be of one of the strongest thrillers of the year.
The Hangover: Part Two - Movie Review

'The Hangover: Part Two' stars Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms & Zach Galifianakis as three guys who head out of town to a city where one of their friends is getting married, only to find themselves waking up with one killer hangover and a trail of disaster that they must follow to find a missing companion before the wedding begins. Yes, had I subtly removed the ': Part Two' from the opening paragraph the sentence would have still been a correct one and that is the simple truth about 2011's answer to the 2009's sleeper smash hit...
Source Code - Movie Review

Once in a blue moon a movie comes around that feels fresh and original on many levels. It isn't a sequel, an adaptation or a film that fits nicely next to it's brothers of a specific genre; it's something on it's own. Source Code is that movie, sneaking up out of no-where to give a fresh vision on film-making, storyline, characters and plot and becomes a movie that you can sit down and try to truly grasp its ideas long after you've left the theatre.
Rango - Movie Review

Before 2011 a movie starring Johnny Depp being directed by Gore Verbinski would mean only one thing; there is a new Pirates of the Caribbean in town. Ironically there is, 'On Stranger Tides' hitting cinema screens a couple of months after animated adventure 'Rango,' however this is 2011, and the Depp-Verbinski team has moved on from the Caribbean to the West of America to create one of the most unique animated movies to exit the Hollywood conveyor belt in many a year.
Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides - Movie Review

I've always thought that a pirate is very set in his ways. No matter how much he claims that he is quitting his quest for gold, no matter how changed a man he is, he will always feel the need to plunder, pillage and steal those shiny pieces of eight. In a sense they are very much men who have one path and one path only, for all eternity. It is these words that ring so ironically true in this, the fourth of the 'Caribbean' franchise starring Johnny Depp as drunkard and all round action-hero pirate Jack Sparrow (Shouldn't there be a captain in there, somewhere?)
Never Let Me Go - Movie Review

'Never Let Me Go' is a strange movie... Despite boasting the finest in young british acting talent with Carey Mulligan, Keira Knightley & Andrew Garfield leading the way, it felt so much like a television drama from what I had seen and heard beforehand that as I sat down in my chair it baffled me to be watching it on a cinema screen rather than on my sofa at home.
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