Just wishing you all well for Christmas in a couple of days, as well as a Great New Year.
I'm hoping for an exciting year in 2011, first port of call is trying to get my script into the arms of someone who wants to make it. Wish me luck :P
In the shorter term, look out for my reviews of 'The Tourist' & 'Monsters', which I hope will be up before the New Year.
For now, Merry Christmas, thanks for checking in at my blog.
Don't forget you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook.Twitter: @AdDHarris Facebook: Adam D.Harris
Adam D. Harris - Writer, Reviewer, Spoiler TV Community Manager & STV Podcast Host
The Cape - My Interview with Tom Wheeler - Creator & Executive Producer

Hey Guys,
I've just done another conference call with Tom Wheeler, Creator & Executive Producer of NBC's new show 'The Cape' for SpoilerTV. You can read it on the site by click the link below:
The Cape - Tom Wheeler Interview
Don't forget you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook.
Twitter: @AdDHarris
Facebook: Adam D.Harris
Fringe - 3.09 - Marionette Review

After all that shit that hit that fan last week, with the mega episode that was 'Entrada', I was expecting a very transitional episode as Fringe moved into it's mid season storyline. I'd also expected this to be a bit of a teaser for what was to come; a set up to lure us all to head to Fringe's new Friday Time-slot, which as time goes on grows in confidence amongst Fringe fans. It may, just may, be a good thing.
'Marionette' was exactly what I had expected for a post-world-swapping episode, but it was actually a lot better than I thought it was going to be as well. I really really enjoyed it, and it made me think that the show actually has got a whole lot better at the 'story-of-the-week' episodes that used littered season one.
Tangled - Movie Review

Last week I went to watch the latest attempt by 'Walt Disney Animations' to find the sparkle that the studio appeared to have lost. I remember the early nineties produced 'The Lion King' and 'Beauty and the Beast,' But when I think over the next fifteen years, the leading movies in animation have come from the minds of Pixar and Dream works amongst others. Disney highlights from that time such as 'Tarzan' and 'Lilo & Stitch' are lowly entries in the Mouse House's grand history; so it's well overdue that they re-found that Mickey magic.
Interview for Spoiler TV - Saul Rubinek & Eddie Mclintock of Warehouse 13

Last week I did an interview with Saul Rubinek & Eddie Mclintock on their show 'Warehouse 13' for SpoilerTV.
The full article is available here:
Interview with Saul Rubinek & Eddie Mclintock
Thanks for reading
Fringe - 3.08 - Entrada Review

After last weeks set-up episode, getting all the characters exactly where they need to be, it became clear over the two week break, (whether it was the hype or the cast interviews circulating) that 'Entrada' was going to be something special. And so it was.
Love and Other Drugs - Movie Review

'Love and Other Drugs' is a comedy-drama with a bit of a kick. The trailer deceptively portrays the movie as a 'rom-com' starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway, where guy meets girl, guy focuses on job, girl is a distraction, romantic comedy formula follow.
This movie does have that element to it, but it also is very much more a character study. Gyllenhaal & Hathaway are given a lot of 'big acting' to do in this movie, the storyline veering very into an in-depth look at these two people's lives and how various events affect them.
Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows Pt.1 - Movie Review

There was always a lot riding on Harry Potter Seven. And I do kind of feel it was even more the case when the studio decided that part seven would in fact be only half; another money making part eight would be coming in 2011. It is a tricky thing taking the complete narrative that is 'The Deathly Hallows' and giving it enough structure to satisfy as a whole when you rip it in half. We are paying our money to watch a chapter of the franchise... For example, Lord of the Rings worked well at structuring the movies into three separate parts, each felt complete yet there was more to be told. Pirates of the Caribbean is an example of the opposite, in that 'Dead Man's Chest' felt very un-satisfying, it was all tease but there was nothing to it bar scenes.
Fringe - 3.07 - The Abducted Review
A lot had been leading to this moment. The final seconds of last week's episode left fans salivating at the mouth, the Peter in Olivia's head informing her that Walternate is done with her and that she isn't safe anymore. My reaction was something like this: "Holy S%&T!" Because of said reaction, 'The Abducted' was all set up to the point where I was (obviously) expecting some BIG shit to hit the fan, and so a part of me can't help but feel a little disappointed that in fact what we got was a little bit of a tease.

Megamind - Movie Review

'Megamind', Dreamworks' latest animated offering is following on from a Summer of some of the best animated movies of all time, 'Toy Story 3', 'How to Train a Dragon' and 'Despicable Me' being some of the hottest options we've had. It feels like other studios have stepped up a level this year, feeling the need to challenge Pixar's dominance as the creme de la creme of the format.
Supernatural - Season One Review
I know this has been a long time in the promising, but I have to admit, I accidentally deleted my first attempt and couldn't bring myself around to writing up the majority of the Review again.... up until now. So this isn't quite the epic it once was going to be sadly, but hopefully it's still a lotta fun. I've spiced it up with some graphs and stuff as well.

Unstoppable - Movie Review

With a few hours to kill, and having read surprisingly very positive reviews of Tony Scott's latest action thriller, 'Unstoppable', starring regular collaborator Denzel Washington and the new 'Captain Kirk' Chris Pine, I decided to give the movie a go, not really knowing what to expect. The basic premise is quite 'out there' despite being inspired by true events, and revolves around a train that is, as the title states, 'Unstoppable' on full speed heading down the tracks with the end results not good for anyone, likely an explosion due to the large amount of poisonous gas on board.
Fringe - 3.06 6995 kHz Review
The feeling I had about 6995kHz, the sixth episode of Fringe's third season, is that it felt much more old school fringe, but had the added current storyline revolving around the Olivias as well as some new and exciting mythology. And for those reasons, I loved this episode more than the previous five, which is no discredit to any of them, but this one worked for me on another level. That's not to say there aren't a few disappointments, but I'll get to that.
The Walking Dead 1.01 - Days Gone By Review
A zombie TV series is something I have never seen before. It's a genius idea, the main problem with zombie movies is that it was always very difficult to spend enough time with the main characters enough to care about them in a two hour movie, as most movie-makers tried to cram in as much zombie action as possible. Only when the zombie-genre has mixed with the comedy, as seen in 'Shaun of the Dead' or 'Zombieland' has it ever really worked. The reason being that both movies cared more about the characters then the zombies. So to have time to get to know our characters is a moment of genius, on TV we have all the time in the world in fact. Or at least until they're all eaten by the walking dead :P
Morning Glory - Movie Review

Harrison Ford on the big screen is something of a novelty, but Harrison Ford in a form of a comedy is something even rarer. The last time in fact was his failed 'Hollywood Homicide' all the way back in 2003, so I was quite excited to see the big man back, and so I headed to see 'Morning Glory' with hope of Ford at his best.
I have many positive things to say about 'Morning Glory', I found lots of it very funny, I felt the characters were entertaining and very well acted, but as is often the case it felt like great parts did not, quite, a great film make.
Saw 3D - Movie Review

As many of you know, Saw has been a Halloween tradition for the past seven years, and it is now official (for now :P) that Saw 3D, or Saw Seven is now the final part of the franchise, Tobin Bell's John Kramer putting his final pieces of the puzzle into place. Of course, I have always taken the critic reviews of the franchise with a pinch of salt, as I would call myself a fan of the franchise, I enjoy the storylines that wrap around each other, and the 'trying to work out where the story is heading', and have always found the violence in the movies very comic-book.
Due Date - Movie Review

Entering the cinemas to watch 'Due Date', I was both excited and a little cautious. The excitement was because from the second I heard that Robert Downey Jr. and Zach Galifianakis were teaming up for a comedy road-trip with the director of the 'The Hangover' at the helm I thought "This is gonna be good!" However, early critical reviews have been, well, critical. Rotten Tomatoes highlights the mediocre response by stating that is was "only intermittently funny and not as good as its stars and director suggested it could be." So let's say I was prepared for disappointment.
Post viewing, I walked out of the cinemas with a big smile on my face. I am largely in disagreement with the overall opinion, and if you enjoyed movies such as 'The Hangover' or any Steve Carell, Will Ferell esc. movie of the last few years, you won't be disappointed. In fact you should come out saying that it is a lot better than most of the movies that 'Due Date' is competing with. It's right up there alongside 'Hot Tub Time Machine' as best comedy of 2010.
Fringe - 3.05 - Amber 31422 Review
It's been three long weeks, but we finally returned to Fringe's fifth episode, where we headed 'Over There' for an investigation into the mysterious Amber 'Fringe' Containment Device, which the Division over there uses to close off holes in their universe, at the cost of all life within that containment area. That is, what we, like the rest of the 'Over There' world was led to believe. What is actually the case is that people are in 'Suspended Animation' meaning that they are alive when they are contained in the Amber, but unable to do anything at all about it. Quite a 'Human Rights Disaster' I would imagine, and so Walternate had been working very hard to keep all of this quiet.
Fringe - Some 'Pattern' Thoughts
Before you delve into this, bear in mind it is me thinking out loud on a page, to see what people think about something I found intriguing.
We are now four episodes into Fringe's third season, and it's about time we started looking forward at what is to come for the season ahead. After all, four episodes into season two, we were given our real sign into where we where headed (literally), as Newton was un-decapitated, William Bell showed up to fill in some of the blanks about the alternate universe and Charlie Francis' imposter was exposed and killed in the corker of an episode that was 'Momentum Deferred.'
We are now four episodes into Fringe's third season, and it's about time we started looking forward at what is to come for the season ahead. After all, four episodes into season two, we were given our real sign into where we where headed (literally), as Newton was un-decapitated, William Bell showed up to fill in some of the blanks about the alternate universe and Charlie Francis' imposter was exposed and killed in the corker of an episode that was 'Momentum Deferred.'
Through the Gunmen's Eyes - First 5 Pages - Coming Soon
Hope to have the first few pages of my first screenplay available to read soon :)
Fringe - 3.04 - Do Shapeshifters Dream of Electric Sheep Review
Fringe's third season is starting to pick up the pace now, as we have had a helping of two episodes on either side, and we are getting to grips with exactly where both sides may be headed. This week was the turn of 'Our World', focusing very much on the 'Over There' infiltration of 'Our World' as it is, and the characters of Bolivia, who is posing as our Olivia, and Thomas Jerome Newton, the Season Two baddie played deliciously by Sebastian Roche.
Fringe - 3.03 - The Plateau Review
And so, after one week dwelling in our 'Our World', we once again return to 'our Olivia', now thinking she is 'Bolivia' 'Over There.' The funny thing is, it never gets old, all this 'Our World', 'Over There' stuff. It's what makes Fringe so unique, even LOST with all it's flash-everywhere's never got so confusingly cool.
This week we were dealing with a man who has the power to see how things will be, sort've pushing the future he desires into place. But this is no fortune teller, he does not see the future. He works out the future mathematically. I loved Milo, I thought he was a great 'Villain of the Week' character, who moved along the Olivia storyline very well, yet feeling very separate from the overall mythology. That being said, I am not so convinced that our Milo is that different from something we see in the show every week. That man with the black hat.
This week we were dealing with a man who has the power to see how things will be, sort've pushing the future he desires into place. But this is no fortune teller, he does not see the future. He works out the future mathematically. I loved Milo, I thought he was a great 'Villain of the Week' character, who moved along the Olivia storyline very well, yet feeling very separate from the overall mythology. That being said, I am not so convinced that our Milo is that different from something we see in the show every week. That man with the black hat.
Fringe - 3.02 - The Box Review
So after two weeks, and we have seen one episode from 'Over There', and now one from 'Over Here.' It's probably because I feel I know more of the characters better from 'Over Here', despite the fact I'm technically seeing the 'same' characters, but I preferred this episode to the season premiere. I feel there's too many quotes in this first paragraph, so I will do away with them from this point onwards. :P
Fringe - 3.01 - Olivia Review

When the first episode of the third season of Fringe finished last night, there was one thing running through my mind. "Well, I didn't see any of that coming." As much as I theorized, read the small synopsis' and occasional smaller spoilers, I had not in my wildest dreams thought that Olivia would be convinced she was the "alt" Olivia.
Screen-writing in New York
In New York at the NY Film Academy.
Currently writing a script, keep visiting, updates coming soon I hope! :)
Currently writing a script, keep visiting, updates coming soon I hope! :)
Current Work.
The two passages below are from some shorter stories I wrote a while ago. Currently I'm working on a Thriller, which I hope will become some form of novel. I'm interested in feedback, so if anyone wishes to read a part of the story, drop me a comment or message.
It is currently titled 'Contract Two', although that is subject to change.
Thanks for dropping by,
The Story with No Name - Opening Chapter
Chapter One.
Alfred J. Simonsen. Saturday 9th, 13:21
As Alfred J. Simonsen waited for his friend to pick him up, he stared into the dark rain thrashing onto his conservatory roof. He was pleased with the new side-room to the house he had owned with his wife for 34 years before she passed two months ago. He sat there most of the day, he could watch the sun rise in the morning, and then watch the whole day pass by, then stare at the stars and wonder whether his wife was looking down on him, or whether she simply did not exist in any kind anymore.
Mr. James - Opening Chapter
I’ve always thought that looking out into the ocean is the most realistic alternative to staring out into space. The vast expanses of nothingness that makes space must be incredibly peaceful to observe. Limitless and deathly quiet I would imagine. I’ve often dreamed of what that moment would be like, even though I know I will never experience it. Being in the middle of space and watching the universe unfolding. I know I would feel small, yet also quite comforted, that even in something so big, I have a small part to play in it.
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